Disallow elytra glitching

please make a punishment for those people who use elytra and spam their space button while CT'ed to avoid falling from a high place/void to escape death and sometimes they even use it as anti kb for better reach please make a hard punishment for them because it's really annoying

#10774 - Status: open

1 month ago by riggive0408 for Global

ExtremeCraft title

also i forgot to say this, i'm surprised how the server's name isnt a title!? add [Extremecraft] or [ExtremeCraftian] title
i think its also a good idea to add staff members name as a title like: [Dieu] [NxDs] [_OnePro_] [_TwoPro_] [SamTheDevil] and etc. i think many people going to buy dieu and nxds title

#10718 - Status: accepted

1 month ago by riggive0408 for Titles

Lmao title

since Lol is a title so why not add Lmao too?

#10717 - Status: accepted

1 month ago by riggive0408 for Titles