Dieu.... please? think?

I LOVE EC!!!! but i opposite of ''love'' dieu, my suggestion is simple, i feel like the suggestions are not thought about deeply, instead? suggestions are just being put down by players and you guys think they provide ALL the info you need,

Well.... no....
Recently (no names) the pay to win king on the server has returned, and they are also VERY good at crying if they still .. See more

#10883 - Status: open

2 days ago by stealself for Global

This is something that would be very nice and cool to have in EC!

The following suggestion counts for currently : survival, skyblock skygrid, factions and towny *(future : prison)*
Would be cool to see adjustable ''MY STATS''

Currently on the right hand side we got things such as ''balance, tokens, souls, shards, and on towny and skyblock, you got additional what nations and town you are from, there should be some of them standers... See more

#10877 - Status: open

3 days ago by stealself for Survival

Survival needs a refresh,

Dear EC, i would love to finally see a refresh in survival, players have been asking for it for long now, and since most are already done building their stuff? it should get a reset, most players are scared of a reset at this point... so won't really start a new project... so might aswell reset so everyone can be happy and play and build!

( or atleast plan a survival reset and announce pl.. See more

#10876 - Status: open

3 days ago by stealself for Survival

Fix /containertrust

Make it so with /containertrust players can kill villagers aswell ( right now they can only trade villagers but not KILL villagers, eventho its a quest at /quests mob kills

Thank for reading,

#10808 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by stealself for Global

Tokens can be seen in factions? Towny? But not survival?

Simply gonna keep it short...
Factions and towny have on the tab on the righ side of the screen a section with [ tokens 300 ] showing how many tokens you have, please add this to survival too :> ty

#10805 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by stealself for Global

Dubai Mall

In survival one of the most unique and most successful projects on EC, i would love to see a DubaiMall, Mall, MallOnTop title, ( i prefer DubaiMall )
i would buy it a lot, and honestly i think it deserves a little spot as title, as celebration it became a HUGE succes

#10757 - Status: rejected

1 month ago by stealself for Titles


As karma leads to a meaning of ''points'' in how you behave on the server, it should be easier to GAIN karma points to, in my opinion for example :

a good helpop = +50 karma | Where as a fake helpop. helpop for just some random stuff, = -100 karma
reporting a player with good evidence, = +100 karma | reporting a player with no evidence -50karma

Maybe even reward a player w.. See more

#10660 - Status: open

2 months ago by stealself for Global


Hello dear EC staff community, its been many times and people are starting to get pissed off of it... i hope i don't get problems saying it here? as there is no /tcf in the suggestion, i just wanna make a suggestion that to removed or make the censor evasion ALOT less stricted... rn saying the nigga is fine, saying the full nword? is ban/mute/jail/what ever... so to be fair? it should be inc.. See more

#10649 - Status: closed

2 months ago by stealself for Global

The DC server would be popping more then it is rn,

last night i was doing a challange, and i wanted to stream it but bcs it was 3am there was no point streaming on twitch, so i wanted to hop in a call on EC server, and call with people who were willing to watch the process of opening 2300+ votekeys for a video, me, discocreeeper, and visualsFTW were sitting in the EC dc call but found out we can't actually screenshare on jump on our cameras,.. See more

#10637 - Status: shortlisted

3 months ago by stealself for Discord

a new feature that could be very handy!!!

its very simple.... add names of sellers to the /ah ( auction house ) history page, so u can see who sold a specific item maybe also add so u can see who BOUGHT the item,

#10635 - Status: shortlisted

3 months ago by stealself for Global

i almost lost everything i had....

as me, a person that is decently supplied have a lot of bullcrap in my chests, i was clearing everything and type /dis then TAB in order to get to /disposal. it came up with /disclaim.... i wanted to make this suggestion as everything was unclaimed, and had people in my base, pls either way JUST make it /abandonclaim and remove /disclaim, its really misleading... or if /disclaim keeps then make .. See more

#10633 - Status: open

3 months ago by stealself for Global

tp killers deserve a punishment....

i notice more and more tp killers in minecraft, unfortunetly i encountered one today, and went to the cords to attack him... i hit him and combat tagged him, but he /claim kicked me.... please fix that u can only do /claim kick when u are not in combat... it is kinda sad how tpkillers can get away with it this easily.

#10622 - Status: rejected

3 months ago by stealself for Global

Add a item to the Extractor chest

Add the item to the extractor chest loot config pls :
Rabbit foot
Thanks, that was it!

( honestly add all items on chesthopper to extractor )

#10468 - Status: open

5 months ago by stealself for Global

Add copper to CONDENSE mode on MULTI-TOOL

currently the multi-tool cannot transfer copper ingots into copper blocks

( also.... multi-tool can't transfer iron nuggets into ingots/blocks )

Add those to it please :)

#10410 - Status: accepted

6 months ago by stealself for Global

Quests refreshes timer

If you completed a quests in /quests u can't see when it refreshes? for example u complete ur weekly quest... the only way of knowing when it refreshes is by asking a player that has not completed it....

please make it so even if you completed a quests, you can see when it refreshes
make sure to upvote if you agree :)

#10372 - Status: accepted

6 months ago by stealself for Global

Auto condense on ChestHopper | price REDUCE

current price of a auto condense is 10mil... which is ridiculous even if you have a lot of money.... all it does is condensing.... as well as this option is only useful for some mobs.... as far i can think of actually only 1, which is ZPM for gold ingots instead of nuggets.

just because of that i think the price should be lowered to at least 5mil,

Do you agree? make sure to leave a upvote

#10354 - Status: rejected

6 months ago by stealself for Survival

make a fixed price for leather, or make fixed prices for mob drops in general.

its kinda weird and stupid that some items have fixed price and some are still on 0.10 each with dynamic price....

#10310 - Status: accepted

6 months ago by stealself for Global

Voidauction is cheatble now. make it fair for new players!

voidauction is a little bit of a cheat. ( high money players just pay like 50k to 1mil at the LAST second. wich isnt fair for the new players with like 10k balance that do want to take voidauctions! so i thought what if you make voidauctions with a RANDOM time... so people will actually Bet to win it. so it becomes an actually voidauction bid. this makes it a better and fair version of voidaucti.. See more

#6870 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by stealself for Global